A Tribute to Hahnemann, Webinar by Prof. George Vithoulkas Case Management : Acutes during Chronic Treatment

Datum - 09.04.2022 - 10.04.2022

Online Intern. Academy Classical Homeopathy

Axel-Springer-Str. 54B


Themen und Beschreibung

The invaluable contributions by the Father of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, is a blessing in the field of health. Professor George Vithoulkas very aptly calls Hahnemann as the greatest Benefactor of humanity. Following the footsteps of Hahnemann, Prof. George Vithoulkas has regenerated Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy worldwide.
With the same dedication and vision International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, on Hahnemann’s day, presents “A Tribute to Hahnemann, Webinar by Prof. George Vithoulkas” in the Watch and Learn Series.

The groundbreaking theories of “Levels of Health” and “The Continuum of a Unified Theory of Diseases”, will be exemplified in the webinar by presentation of long term cases, showcasing the management of the Acutes during the Chronic treatment.

In this respect, clinical and practical lectures will be presented by experienced Lecturers at International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Dr Atul Jaggi, Dr Seema Mahesh, Dr Mahesh Mallappa and Dr Latika Jaggi.
Our A Tribute to Hahnemann, Webinar by Prof. George Vithoulkas Case Management: Acutes during Chronic Treatment is a salute of respect and gratitude for Hahnemann and his gift of Homeopathy to the world.

Prof. George Vithoulkas, on both days will enlighten everyone with Hahnemann’s ingenuity,
will be giving live answers to many unsolved questions from the participants and will analyze his latest paper “An integrated perspective on transmutation of acute inflammation into chronic and the role of microbiome” https://medandlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2.-jml-2021-0375.pdf

The Webinar will be simultaneously translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian and German languages.

Anzahl der Unterrichtseinheiten: 12

Anerkannte Diplompunkte: 12

Registrierungsnummer: 2022-0177-He.RP.Sa

FB-Punkte bei Ärztekammer sind/werden beantragt: Nein

Anzahl der bei der Ärztekammer beantragten FB-Punkte:

Ärztl. Leiter: Dr. Ekaterina Wolf

Referenten: Georg Vithoukas u.a.

Kontaktname: Sekretariat

Kontakt E-Mail: webinar@vithoulkas.com

Kontakt Telefon: +30 24240 65142

Teilnehmergebühr Nichtmitglieder: 60

Teilnehmergebühr DZVhÄ-Mitglieder: 60

Link zur Veranstaltungswebsite: https://webinar.vithoulkas.edu.gr/
