European Congress for Homoeopathy

Datum - 17.11.2016 - 19.11.2016

Imperial Riding School Renaissance Vienna, Hotel

Ungarstr. 60
01030 Wien


Themen und Beschreibung

Day One:
Homeopathy in Paediatrics & Young Animals

Symposium on ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity in children and animals

  • Keynote speech „New trends in conventional treatment of ADD/ADHD patients“
  • Presentation of new homeopathic research data
  • Special call for case reports
  • Breakout session: Seminar on “Polarity Analysis – an introduction to a new homeopathic treatment method for ADD/ADHD”

Parallel programme

  • Special call for homeopathy in paediatrics and young animals with special focus on infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance and homeopathy as an alternative to antibiotics in humans and animals
  • Special seminar on veterinary homeopathy
  • Expert meeting on homeopathic research

Day Two:
Homeopathy in Adulthood & Adult animals

Symposium on Oncology

  • Keynote speech „New trends in conventional treatment of cancer patients“
  • Expert panel discussion on “Homeopathic treatment of side effects of anti-cancer-therapy”
  • Special call for new research data and case reports on integrated homeopathic treatment of cancer in humans and animals

Parallel programme

  • Special call for homeopathic case management in emergency situations, chronic diseases, burn-out and hormone imbalance in adults and animals
  • Expert meeting and panel discussion on  “European and national legislation and regulation in homeopathy”
  • Expert meeting and workshop on homeopathic provings
  • Expert meeting on documentation
  • Special seminar on veterinary homeopathy

Day Three:
Homeopathy in Old Age Humans and Animals & extra Symposia

Symposium on Healthy aging and Palliative care

  • Keynote speech: “The role of homeopathy for healthy aging”
  • Special call for homeopathy for geriatric patients and in palliative medicine for humans and animals

Symposium on Medical Pluralism
(in cooperation with the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Stiftung)

  • Keynote speech: “Medical Pluralism in Europe”
  • Special call for history, ethics and theory in homeopathy

Symposium on Homeopathic Pharmacy

  • Keynote speech: “Availability and Regulatory affairs of Homeopathic Medicinal Products in Europe (HMPs)”
  • Special call for homeopathic pharmacy
  • Workshop: “Pharmaceutical compounding of Homeopathic Medicinal Products”

Seminar on “The use of Suggestopaedia as a special teaching method in homeopathy”

Special seminar on veterinary homeopathy

Anzahl der Unterrichtseinheiten: 20

Anerkannte Diplompunkte: 20

Registrierungsnummer: 2016-0590-Bay

FB-Punkte bei Ärztekammer sind/werden beantragt:

Anzahl der bei der Ärztekammer beantragten FB-Punkte:

Ärztl. Leiter: Dr. Thomas Peinbauer

Referenten: Bartsch Rupert Bellavite Paolo Couzens Tim Dadak Agnes M. De Beukelaer Edward Doepfner Manfred Ellinger Liesbeth Frei Heiner Gleiß Andreas Gnaiger-Rathmanner Jutta Gonzalez Gomez Maria Carolina Gregory Peter Hahn Robert G. Hornig Bernhard Johnson Geoff Khuda-Bukhsh Anisur Rahman Kohlrausch Stefan Länger Reinhard Macrì Francesco Rutten Lex Seyfried Anne-Lore Szecsődi Ferenc Teut Michael Tournier Alexander Wiersma Paulien Wurster Jens

Kontaktname: Dagmar Oegg

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Kontakt Telefon: +43 1 5326264-17

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