Follow ups and long-term case management, Case- Conference with Paul Herscu, USA

Follow ups and long-term case management, Case- Conference with Paul Herscu, USA

Datum - 07.11.2024 - 10.11.2024


Themen und Beschreibung

registration form 2024
Invitation 2024

In this case conference we want to have a special focus on follow ups.

Finding the right remedy is one subject, but how do we handle the reactions that evolve over the time? How do we understand them correctly and what are our options to react upon them?

Based on his systematic approach and with the insight he gained in over 40 years of managing mostly difficult cases Paul Herscu will share his knowledge about these important questions on this weekend with us.

The setting as a small group offers us the possibility to work very intensely. We will see most of last year’s patients back, but also some new ones (all live). There is space to ask questions and to talk about the cycles of the remedies coming up and their DDs.


Anzahl der Unterrichtseinheiten: 35

Anerkannte Diplompunkte: 35

Registrierungsnummer: 2024-0202-ZV

FB-Punkte bei Ärztekammer sind/werden beantragt: Ja

Anzahl der bei der Ärztekammer beantragten FB-Punkte: 43

Ärztl. Leiter: Dr. Andrea Weninger

Referenten: Paul Herscu, ND

Kontaktname: Dr. Andrea Weninger

Kontakt E-Mail:

Kontakt Telefon: 017661315432

Teilnehmergebühr Nichtmitglieder: 560

Teilnehmergebühr DZVhÄ-Mitglieder: 560

Link zur Veranstaltungswebsite:
